반응형 What was the last book you read? #가장 마지막으로 읽은 책은 무엇인가요? #우주전쟁 #하버트조지웰스1 한줄 질문에 세줄로 답하는 영어일기 쓰기 - 017 What was the last book you read? Date. 2022년 3월 2일 수요일 Question: 017 What was the last book you read? 가장 마지막으로 읽은 책은 무엇인가요? Answer: Sophia Diary The last book I read called "The war of the worlds". I read this morning. Briefly the genere is sci-fi fiction and the author is Hebert George Wells. It is about Martians coming to Earth and fighting people in England in the 20th century. It's an interesting and it's a page-turmer. 가장 .. 2022. 10. 7. 이전 1 다음 반응형